Home > Artworks > Myriam Tercero Hidalgo

Photo of Myriam Tercero Hidalgo Spain

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I am a self taught artist I love to experiment different techniques and in particular love working with texture and including different materials on my canvas. I create intuitively and I do not have a plan, a particular idea or intention when I start a new work. I am happy to share my work with you. I hope you will have as much pleasure in seeing my paints than I have in painting them and that they find a new home to bring light and joy to.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2025, Mujeres del Mundo - exposición conjunta - Centro cultural Vicente Aleixander - Alhaurín de la Torre
  • 2024, Caprichos al natural - Gabinete Hyde - Jardín botánico La Concepción - Málaga
  • 2024, Destino la Tierra - Alumnas del taller Villalba - Finca El Portón - Alhaurín de la Torre
  • 2020, Taller municipal de pintura - Curso 2019/2020 - Finca El Portón - Alhaurín de la Torre

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23.62 x 23.62 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
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I am a self taught artist born in Geneva, Switzerland and of Spanish origin.

I have been painting for more than 25 years, although not always on a regular basis. I love colour, paint and movement. About 15 years ago, I decided to take classes to discover different techniques. I took this course every second Saturday for about 14 years. It was a space for creation, learning, sharing and relaxing. Art and creation were a breath of fresh air in my busy life.

I think I never was really attracted to reproducing reality or a picture. I can do it, and now feel more pleasure in doing so, but it is far less satisfying than free creation, playing with colours and freedom of move.

I've learned and continue learning not to judge my work, to allow mistakes, to transform them into something full of beauty, something more lively, to persevere when frustration emerges, to stop and pause for a while, to take some distance to get a better perspective. To let moves act without will, without a firm objective, without judgement. So my artistic practice is, in some way, also a spiritual practice.

I love to experiment different techniques and in particular love working with texture and including different materials on my canvas. I create intuitively and generally I do not have a plan, a particular idea or intention when I start a new work. I let the work emerge by itself. In some way it creates itself, it tells me where I should add colour, that this place, here, is not balanced, this part, there, not integrated. It is a kind of dialogue. And sometimes it tells me" that's ok, it's finished", even though I may not be convinced.  

Since I moved to Spain in 2017, I started painting on canvas (until then I mainly worked on paper), first to decorate my home's walls, then just for pleasure and now I am happy to share my work with you. I hope you will have as much pleasure in seeing my paints than I have in painting them. I wish they find a new home to bring light and joy to and I wish it is yours.

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